
The Maynard
Spring 2020

Robbie Gamble

Supermarket Lobsters

what     can they discern
through          stalky eyes
beyond      the glass tank
shopping carts       vague
and silvery       sliding by
like   big   blocky codfish
under   fluorescent hum
what tiny synapses    still
recall    the rilled seabed
such expanse     to carve
out territory  to scrabble
for a mate    in a glorious
green-dark      pressured
plankton-rich broth  not
just this    anemic   saline
swirled   by the bubbling
rock    in the corner     no
room    not to touch each
other    thumbs cramped
from the bandings     can
they still feel   faint   tidal
tugs     from the crescent
moon    that orbits       far
beyond   these thin  cold
light tubes above     what
do lobsters      wait      for